Book Online

Self-Service Hotel Bookings with Teeple Travel

Virtuoso launched their online booking tool in early 2017 and we believe this tool will completely revolutionize travel for our Hotel Reservation Management services! The tool allows you to book most of your Virtuoso hotels online, while still receiving our usual VIP process and value-add amenities.


Once you’ve booked, we will receive a notification and get in touch to discuss any notes or preferences for your trip. We have posted additional details about how to get the most out of this tool. A few key items to remember:


You’ll love this tool if you are a DIY traveler, especially if you’re looking to book outside of regular business hours (evenings and weekends).


The Virtuoso booking tool is meant to expedite your hotel bookings, but does not yet offer booking management. Our team is available to assist with changes and cancellations (fees may apply).


Some programs will trump Virtuoso – As you may know, we are fortunate enough to be able to work with many exclusive luxury hotel programs in addition to Virtuoso. While it’s rare, there are a few programs that we will recommend over Virtuoso. In these instances, we recommend you still request your trip through us to get the best value!

Luxury Hotel Partnerships

Four Seasons Preferred Partner

Higher VIP status and better breakfast amenity (includes room service)

Shangri-La Luxury Circle

Often receive upgrade at booking

Mandarin Oriental Fan Club

Credit amenity received is more flexible than the Virtuoso credit.

Dorchester Diamond Club

Often receive upgrade at booking

We’re Here to Help

When you need more than a simple hotel booking – please send your request our way! The Virtuoso booking tool is best for your normal, run-of-the-mill hotel stays. Please come to us for instances such as multi-room bookings, unique special requests, large resort bookings, and larger itineraries with multiple hotels. We’ll review your request to ensure you receive the best possible value available.